10:50 PM (6 hours ago)
to me
MAJOR ART !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KNOX
The great master Knox Martin always speaks out whenever the composition really does it’s job,– and doing it well enough! Here we have a classic example of exactly when a composition first comes into being as composition,–or, to be more precise, at what point something raw and non-specific can be finally realized as a complete composition. When it is a full composition, the great Knox Martin always concurs in delightful approval and applause. He concurs not simply because he likes what he sees, or is emotionally attached to the picture, or gets tickled by the theme therein, but because Knox Martin, true to his honorable, truthful nature, must obligingly put his stamp of approval down in the recognition of a perfect composition,–a timeless diamond without flaw.
Once again, we can see that by removing the spoiler black in Figure 1, one has given it the LIFE of a composition since only at this exact point that a true composition first comes into being.
One must look at art in terms of the Qi Reality. By taking out the black in Figure 1, Qi is allowed free flow in the composition. In addition to the free flow, there is also the consideration of the Reality of Calligraphic Relationship, which stipulates that this spot of black has nothing whatsoever to do with the black body at large. In other words, this little stinker of a black spot has not been able to establish a real Calligraphic Relationship here. When something like that happens, the black becomes a stand-out black, an isolated dot, an ugly cul-de-sac, or a dangling appendix, and as such, it has become the spoiler of the party, a party in a mode of joyous celebration,– of the breath-taking Yin and Yang relationship within the composition!
Essentially there is nothing seriously wrong with a bit of spoiler here and there if the attempt at composition is serious enough–but if one wants to go for the Holy Grail,–i.e. by definition of its birthright, a composition should be nothing else but one THAT HAS COME INTO BEING, one that HAS TAKEN ON A LIFE OF ITS OWN,– hence there must be serious examinations, inspections, watchfulness,– and last,– but not least, agreements between at least two Alpha Seers.
Even the great ingenious Knox Martin himself must examine and inspect his own work for a long time,– sometime by his own admission, for as long as 6 months.
The Calligraphic Relationship Reality cannot be fully understood except by a major artistic genius, i.e. an Alpha Seer. For that reason, this author won’t even bother to explain what it means, or what it is. Ahh, the Calligraphic Reality,–the Holy Grail of Art! Even though you may not fully understand what it is, yet let me assure you that it is the exact same element that had caused Matisse into making this famous, timeless statement:
“Art cannot be taught!”
If a student of art has failed to examine a Matisse, or understand fully the inner workings of the Yin and Yang interactions in a great master’s composition, one has not known art at all. But can one be a serious student of art with so much distractions going on in modern day life? And with such enormous sensational stuffs going on all around, who would even bother to ask and answer this simple question: What is art? So in the final analysis, unless you truly understand the Holy Grail of art, i.e. the Reality of Calligraphic Relationship, art can never, in a million years, be of such deep interest in your life. For that reason, understanding, asking, and finally answering the simple question, “What is Art?” is next to impossible for the lay people,–the general public!
When the great Knox Martin declares ‘major art!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’, he essentially takes that to mean ‘true art!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’. When a composition is true art, a living composition, then there is no longer the question of major or minor, neither is there the question of big or small. In other words, duality no longer exist!
So once again we can see that art fits perfectly in the Dharma of the Buddha of Gautama.
The great master Knox Martin is the Emperor in Art! His reign in Art will be everlasting!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the great master’s website: If you think you are a young artistic genius, that is a must visit site.