Which one is the “before”, and which “after?”
Solution: BW 002 (FIGURE 2) is the “after”, and also the final, final version of the Summer Hills Series,–I promise!
Black and white compositions are tough. Color can distract and disguise. Not so with black and white!
If you only look at the white,– you can see that the total white form in 002 is now more anchored than ever, compared with the other versions in the same series.
It does not take a genius to see it,– even though it does take one to work out a perfect composition!
Alpha Seer means just that, –artistic genius!
So have another dose of contempt for folks like Andy Warhols, Rauschenberg, Andrew Wyeth, Edvard Munch, Jackson Pollock, and what not,–everymen imposing as artistic geniuses!
Perfect compositions in art, as in music or calligraphy, are the exclusive games of the artistic geniuses!
If you think kindly and lovingly of Mozart’s greatest compositions as certain divine efforts, and regard Wang Hsi-chih’s calligraphy as sublime, you would not doubt that the everyman does not have the capability in producing great art, or perfect compositions. You would certainly agree that your next-door neighbor, or John Doe, i.e., the Everyman, for that matter, is incapable of working out a perfect composition even if they have wanted to,–only an artistic genius like Mozart or Wang Hsi-chih can work out something so gem-like, stuffs that are made only in Heaven! Even a child understands it as much! But the academics are the ones that are foolish enough to disagree or to query that. Do you know now, why I have often asserted that the academics are the stupidest types in humanity,–not because I have any resentment for academia, but simply because that is the truth!
The academics cannot even fool a child,– yet they go on fooling themselves and each others, especially those who are heavy with herd instincts, like you or your next-door neighbor, who think of attending museums or galleries as a status symbol,–or the acquisition of an Andy Warhol, a classy act!!!! Blind folks all: all of you have been doused,– from head to toes, with delusions of grandiose as well as all the postmodern conceptual nonsense in the world!
Not too exciting, huh! — true art never is meant for excitement. It won’t be able to entertain you,–it simply is. Why would an aware mind constantly desire entertainment? Only dull minds need it, as dull minds always get bored.
True art nourishes your mind and spirit. If you have found no use for true art, the problem is on you. This nation has found no use for true art. Americans, or the postmodern folks living in developed countries in general, Â need Hollywood, sports, technologies, gossips, T.V. shows or soap operas for their entertainment. Without those they simply cannot be. Some even go to the length of abusing substance or alcohol, showing how tired of life people in developed countries are, or how much boredom there is.
True art, the vehicle to beauty, is beyond them. True art has nothing to do with a people who have generally lost their spirit!
Anyway, at least you know now what art is, being pointed out by the Alpha Seer himself,–and free of charge too! You can now brag about something new you have found, which is not in any part of your old habit or experience, something that has a bite, giving enough heartache to old- fart academics! Where else can you get an art lesson like that?
Now you can even tell the academics to get lost! They are the blindest fish in the water but they always pretend they know everything about art! They know nothing in truth. Theirs are the stupidest minds in humanity!
Because of your ego, however, you may not have learned to be grateful for these art lessons yet. But that is your problem!
Leander S. Hughes has had that problem sorted out long ago! He always come back to thank the Alpha Seer for the art lessons!– not that the Alpha Seer has desired it,– but that one can discern the graciousness that is Leander S. Hughes!
Leander is an English professor today, teaching in Saitama University, Japan. He is married to the beautiful Emiko Ito.
Leander is one of the few smartest persons I know,–his mind bright like an unclouded moon!
Look deep into Ben Lau’s Summer Hill Series 2, and so on, . . . Next look at a masterful Chinese calligraphy, compare the compositions, the intricate intertwining black and white forms, those delightful Yin and Yang elements in the universe, . . .
Join all the dots together and you get calligraphic forms that are so divine, so kindly to your spirit,– such self-same stuffs that universal harmony has been made from, . . .
Can I now prove to you that Master Yan’s calligraphy is beauty, and beauty is timeless?
–NO, CAN YOU,– understand it yourself? –That is the more important thing!
Keep hearing blind folks say, look at all the perspectives, . . .
WHAT IDIOTIC SUGGESTIONS! When you are blind what perspectives are you seeing?
Be a Leander today. Be THAT unclouded moon.
OUI, monsieur: there is only one such moon hanging in the wild vast sky!
Take all risks tonight, even for as much as one single moment– since that is your eternity!
Is that not something your soul seeks? Let your soul choose,
— from the choiceless!
the alpha seer through whose magic is created the strangest stuffs in the world,– like bright moons….
Look, look, and look again,–look until you swoon, or pass out from all worldly attachments, get it?
That is your eternity,–minutes and hours do not exist in such reality, that is precisely why it is so precious,. . .
All the chatterings in your mind can be traced to its origin in the silence created by that gazing, . . .
In the silence, longing is killed, as you are fulfilled,– and anchored like stillness itself.
Like the hero swordsman in the Sui Dynasty, who had baited his villain for 10 years, then finally apprehended and beheaded him,– the Alpha Seer has successfully apprehended and destroyed old Erotica Americana ( otherwise also known as linocut 9) (FIGURE 3)— painted 10 years ago, and has created a new order, entitled Alphaseer Summer Hills Series (FIGURE 4).
If one eyeballs the two in a rapid-fire manner, one would realize that the new order has done away with all the attachments,– the last vestige of the silly, the narrative and the sentimental, becoming human in the process, and finally makes the leap to the divine!
In his essay, In Praise of the Alpha Seer (,) the tragic genius York Febres recognized and foresaw the purpose and use of one of the Alpha Seer’s inventions, a precise way of bringing all the arts under a common denominator in order to determine the presence of divine relationships in any composition, — i.e. the Supreme Mathematical Relationship.
With Alphaseer Summer Hills Series BW 002, the Supreme Mathematical Relationships inherent in its intertwining black and white forms serves Painting really well as an explainer of sorts, by calling upon both Calligraphy and Music to validate itself as a legitimate work of art.
If you focus only on the total white form you will see how it dances among the black and embraces it like a song,– or some vigorously beautiful calligraphic movements from the Tang Dynasty.
You should be able to see similar thing if only the total black form is being focused upon, since black is the complement of white, and vice versa! That being the reason for doing art: i.e. with  black serving as the complement of white and vice versa,–an artist already has his hand full in sculpting new forms out of nothingness, giving names to what was previously unknown,–why would he need anything else in the world for subject matter? HE WILL THUS CONTENT HIMSELF WITH THE FACT THAT THE SUBJECT MATTER OF ART IS ART ITSELF! Hopefully this extraordinary utterance, originally pronounced by the great American master Knox Martin, is not too hard for the layman to understand.
No one exactly serves the other as a background: The black is not the background of white, nor is the white , black. That is the major teaching of the masters of great compositions from time immemorial!
After listening to Mozart or Haydn intently, you may perhaps pin down its composition in mid-air as though you are translating it into a painting on a wall,–or you may think of yourself as providing important aspects of visualized forms under the influence of the composer’s multiple melodious ones,– eventually you are able to trace the composition’s movements, rhythms, dynamic and all, vibrating and dancing gloriously to the tune of the same kind of divine relationships found in masterful paintings.
You are then looking at the explainer of all arts, an invention by the Alpha Seer,– the so- called Supreme Mathematical Relationship!
Now Alphaseer Summer Hills Series XXX , or Alphaseer Summer Hills Series BW 002 is offering something that Mozart can really smile on, or both Wang Hsi-chih and Knox Martin may mutually enjoy. ( Wang Hsi-chih is one of China’s greatest calligraphers of all times.)
Folks, if you still don’t know what art is, tough luck!
The understanding of true art, it seems, does not require a superb mental constitution, but it does require a superb awareness of one’s own ego.
Was Leander S. Hughes the brightest of them all at the Rudy Perpich Art Center?
I tend not to think so! The thing is, Leander had been well aware of his ego!
He learns that the moon would lose its brightness if covered by clouds.
That is why his own brightness is so extraordinary,– and his mind so clear and unclouded!