The Alpha Seer understanding true art

June 12, 2009


Filed under: Uncategorized — MASTER BEN LAU @ 8:56 am

Figure 1: Painting by the Alpha Seer,

the great Knox Martin

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First, this story, . . .

King Knox the One Eyed King received a very important guest over the weekend. This guest was like a brother to him because they grew up together.
He decreed that every honor was to be awarded to this guest and his wife. Upon noticing that both the guest and his wife were utterly blind,old and decrepit, he had great mercy on them and decided to comfort them. In the land of BLINDNESS, the one-eyed guy is the king. It is the law which has been held in sacred awe from time immemorial.

King Knox the One Eyed King took the couple to the most expensive restaurant in his capitol and gave them the best food. Their majesties the King and Queen poured out their love and pity on the blind couple because they were so deprived and felt so much self pity. King Knox in particular, wanted his only daughter,the Princess Olivia, to uphold the highest protocol in the kingdom so they would not feel left out. To assure them they were not alone in blindness, they showed them his subjects and reminded them that everyone in his kingdom was blind. The Queen even allowed the couple to touch her daughter’s blind spots so they would remove some self-hate and regain more humanity by and by.

The fact of the matter is, the great King was a very humble man. He did not want his daughter to grow up proud but to be well aware of the many dangerous blind spots in life. In general, there was great compassion in the Kingdom; and the blind man and his wife, who were treated like royalties,had a good time. When the time came to say good-bye, King Knox uploaded two full trucks of gold, silver, and diamond so the couple could enjoy them back home, hoping that, perhaps one day, the door of miracle will fly open and their health of vision restored so they could also feel the magic of this strangely luxurious wealth given to them as gifts.

The next day, however, King Knox received a letter from his friend the blind guy, informing him that, among other wonderful things they did on their trip home, they visited a gallery which showed an expanse of fake objects by another blind guy called “Arse for Eye the Impostor.” It turned out that this blind friend of His Majesty had high praise for the Arse-for-Eye chap and he went so far as to conclude that, even though this Arse- for- Eye guy had not given him anything, he was still very much in admiration for him. There were certain blind spots that this Arse- for- Eye chap had touched His Majesty’s blind friend deeply, almost like button pushing, and whew,….BANG!– oo-la-la, …! — The blind friend further reported that the whole experience had cast him into a great fancy, and made him a better man,  etc.

King Knox had never encountered greater ingratitude or insult in his life. So angrily he told his blind friend the truth that this arse for eye chap was just an impostor, and gave him the correct assessment of this arse- so- so guy in relationship to himself, then His Majesty quietly waited for the apology that might never come.

The truth is, His Majesty King Knox had had situations like this all his life, but since he was a great king, and was so blessed with the magical one-eyed vision that he continued to expound the knowledge of Seeing, even though he was left with fewer and fewer friends.

THE ALPHA SEER HAS BECOME the lion,and the lion roars alone, without peers,– now we know why…..

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